Confidence Speaking Class

Question: Why isn't it useful to ask my kid "don't be shy?"

Don't Give Negative Judgment!

We should help children to feel good about themselves. Giving them the impression that there is something wrong with them will just make them feel worse about self, and therefore more insecure.

For K3/ P1 Students

Level One:
Nurture a relaxed attitude about social interactions of all kinds, i.e. introducing self, making eye-contact
Level Two:
Train confident dialogues through the enactment of drama role play and storytelling.

For P1 Interview Preparation

Level One - Listening Comprehension:
It is more than just hearing what is said; rather, it is a child’s ability to understand, remember, discuss the meaning of the words he/she hears, and even retell them in their own words.
Level Two - Reading Comprehension:
It is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. A child's ability to comprehend text is influenced by the ability to make inferences. If students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.

For K3/ P1 Students

Build up public speaking confident through reading poems and become the little performers on stage.

Social Skills Training

Question: Is your kid self-centered or empathetic?

Social skills can be taught just like academic skills!

Seating students together is not enough to ensure teamwork. Many kids have very little idea how to interact appropriately with their classmates. They simply lack the social skills needed to perform the most basic cooperative tasks. Lack of social skills is probably the biggest factor contributing to lack of academic success in teams.

For K1 Group Interview Preparation

Engaging students in group activities, strengthen the lateral thinking ability of the students along with the manner that they respond to difficulty and their confidence level.

For P1 Group Interview Preparation

Enhancing student's ability to clearly articulate their thoughts with complete sentences in a group play setting, to compromise and accept differences with respect.

For K3/ P1 Students

Advance application of social skills & active listening on teamwork project & leadership role.
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